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Családi ház

Our mission

Dear Visitor,

Welcome to the website of Realtor Lawyers, the network of lawyers specializing in real estate law across Hungary.

Our mission is to provide high quality legal services for the members of the hungarian real estate market.

The idea of creating a network of REALTORLAYWERS was motivated by the need to strengthen for the realtor activities of lawyers on the market and to create a new option for clients planning to sell or buy real estate.

It also aims to promote lawyers ’realtor activities nationwide, under a strong, established brand name, through continuous marketing, and make them a new, competitive alternative to existing realtor networks already operating in this market.

If lawyers are able to gain the trust of clients in their effective core business, it can be a good basis for clients to entrust them with their real estate transactions in addition to legal matters and to execute these assignments successfully to achieve clients and their own business success.

The aim is to have at least one lawyer or law firm in as many Hungarian towns  as possible, who is a member of the REALTORlAWYERS network and who promotes the lawyer's real estate brokerage activity locally through her/his/theri  own, responsible work.

We hope that the realtor and legal services of our members will be able to satisfy you as well.